'Creativity makes me smile, I feel lucky every day to be able to do what I do'

My creativity stems from always writing poetry I also played music from an early age.
In my twenties I had two boys a young family and was working full-time in IT, exciting times we were adding the internet onto our computer network!
But in my early thirties everything changed... I became ill. it felt like my life was on pause.
I needed to focus the little energy I had on my family but also needed something for myself.
So I started to paint, at the time, watercolour. I also did some voluntary teaching, setting up 'Made Specially' a local craft group for the MS Society,
We met once a month, it was all I could manage. I would go to the library and research how as I hadn't done the crafts I taught and YouTube wasn't around then. I'd take what I learnt to the group. This is how I learnt to teach. I told them I'd just been to the library but they didn't believe me! 😂

Birth of a Business
By this time the children were grown up and I had started to paint again, I mean a lot! This time I was much better at it and I loved it..
I realised that the observations and creativity I had learnt during my degree transferred to new art skills. I started to play and experiment with acrylic and new techniques, others asked me to show them how and once I had a few people asking I decided to run one class. I was worried it would affect my health - it did but for the better!
So in 2016 Debbie Chatfield Art was born. At the time I worked from village halls. At home my third bedroom became an art studio!
The joy of capturing on canvas is what I want to share with you.
I believe everyone is an artist, ask any child they are already artists but somewhere we lose ourselves. If you have always wanted to be an artist, need techniques to help you along the way or simply want to find out who you are, who is the inner artist within you and you want to find your style then I will help you to do that.
But if you simply want to experience the joy of the wonder's of life on a canvas then this is what I truly share. I want you to benefit from my experience,
The illness made me appreciate life, connection and how precious that is. So what I share on canvas is my view of the little moments and I love it! I want to bring those uplifting moments into your home to bring you that feeling of joy and wonder that nature offers... I want to bring the outside in!