Tonal Value
Understanding tonal value helps with colour mixing as you can see in my recent blog about how to colour match using acrylic.
I decided to revisit this blog as it has a couple of resources which I have found very useful. I wanted to share these with you all and I hope you enjoy them. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
The handprint website is my “go to” information point regarding colour. It is extensive, going into great detail about each colour, including the tonal value of pigment in the artists value wheel. It is worth exploring this website in detail, the tonal value section is very interesting, here is a quote from this page:
Given all the space devoted to hue in color theory, it is surprising to learn that value is the most important design element of a painting. It is hard to overstate the importance of good value structure to the impact of visual art. (https://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/color11.html, accessed 13/01/2018)
Tonal Value Videos – YouTube!
I found this great video, amongst others, on tonal value… JD Hillberry is talking about drawing and the latter half he moves onto how to blend whilst drawing but I thought his explanation of tone, especially reflected tone where there is dark colours surrounding the highlight, is excellent. He explains that a highlight in a dark area can be deceptively darker than it appears and how by using a tonal value finder it can help.
Tonal Value Finders